Sunday, 10 February 2019

Hello, World. + FREEBIE

You know that hobby you used to have in high school/university, the one that always makes you go "Oh, I should get back into that, I'll definitly get back into that, soon, ish." ?

 Well I went and actually got back into it.

  I have been blogging on-and-off for a bit over ten years now - wow -, and realized that there's no time like the present to start a new project. 

  I am at a time in my life where I have new experiences I'd love to share - from living in a different country, to baking, lifestyle posts, crafting and DYI - and I'm very excited to share these experiences, stories and recipes with you.

  And sharing and connecting is the reason I wanted to get back into blogging! I've always been a small time blogger, but always engaged with the community and they were some of the most interesting people I've met yet. Also, when thinking and researching about the blog, what took me most time to get right was the name. I didn't want just any old name. I wanted people to relate to my blog and to show them - you guys - what type of person I am. And I'm just an average everyday girl, who loves cozying up on a sofa in her pj's.

  And I know there's more of you out there, who just haven't come up with the perfect name just yet. But you're in luck, for I am sharing my own BLOG NAME WORKBOOK!

 To comemorate the launching of the blog, I am sharing with you the methods I used to come up with my own blog name!

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I sincerely hope you find it as useful as I did, and if you use it, let me know what was the result!

  I cannot wait to get started on this journey again! If you want to come along with me, merely follow me on any of the blog's social media channels or on bloglovin' to receive all posts to come - a new one coming on Tuesday, just in time for Valentine's Day!

Vee x