Disclaimer & Privacy Policy

  Disclaimers are always scary things full of technical jargon that nobody fully understands, but, put simply, it serves to inform you that I will never provide you false, dangerous or unsafe information to you for my own profit but that also I am not liable for the actions you choose to take regarding my content. However, The Pyjama Editorial is a positive blog and focuses on bringing only personally-experienced products, tutorials or methods and upholds the ideal of researching and questioning topics before taking actions consequent to reading the website. 

Affiliate Links

  The Pyjama Editorial utilizes afilliate marketing as a strategy and I will only recommend products that I enjoy and have tried before and if you choose to buy any product I might earn a small comission at no extra cost to you.


  If you choose to sign up to the email newsletter, I will not spam you. The purpose of the newsletter is to share extra tid bits of information (relating to blog posts and blogging tips) and content upgrades (such as the blog post checklist I offer in my post "Create a Killer Editorial Calendar"). I will also inform you of any future offers or email courses for which you will be able to opt in out of your own free will. Should you want to opt-out of the newsletter, you'll find the link to at the bottom of each email.

  I will not share, sell, leak or otherwise misuse the email addresses and names I collect for my newsletter.

Third Party Data Usage

  I use MailChimp as my email provider and email collector, for more info on their policies see their website here.

  I use softwares and tools such as Google Analytics to analyse website trends. This means that when you browse The Pyjama Editorial, Google Analytics will access things such as clicked links, reffering websites and other website actions. Google Analytics might capture your IP adress but not your name, email or other personal information. Google Analytics makes use of cookies.

  You can manage your cookie preferences in your browser settings.

  I utilize this tool to optimize the website's content for the readers' enjoyment and will access things such as pages viewed, times you accessed the website, browser type, and other website actions. 

  The Pyjama Editorial respects everyone's privacy and is commited to protect it's readers' privacy.

Any questions about these terms can be forwarded to the following email address:
